Nyheder fra DCH

03 OKT

POLARIN invites proposals to access 49 research infrastructures

Polar Research Infrastructure Network (POLARIN) has opened its first transnational access call for proposals. Application deadline is 28 November 2024.

Expedition 364 Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater. Photo: ECORD/IODP
30 MAJ

The International Ocean Drilling Programme-3 will start on 1 January 2025

The current International Ocean Discovery Program will end 31 December 2024, and a new programme, the International Ocean Drilling Programme-3, will start 1 January 2025...

Kronprins Haakon. Foto: Ann Kristin Balto, Norsk Polarinstitutt
24 MAR

Possibility for a master or PhD student to participate in an Arctic cruise in...

A master or PhD student has the chance to be nominated for participation in an Arctic cruise with the Norwegian research vessel Kronprins Haakon in August 2023. Application...

Pukkelhval i Antarktis. Foto: Colourbox.com / Dmytro Pylypenko
26 AUG

Mulighed for skibstid på krydstogtskibe i Arktis og Antarktis

Dansk Center for Havforskning har været i dialog med det danske rejseselskab Albatros, som nu åbner for at medbringe forskere på cruise-skibe i Arktis og Antarktis.

Skyer. Foto: Line Reeh
17 AUG

Nyt fra DCH’s bestyrelsesmøde sommeren 2022

DCH vil fremover informere her på hjemmesiden om de væsentligste beslutninger og informationer af generel interesse fra DCH’s to årlige bestyrelsesmøder. Herunder er...

Eurofleets+ logo
23 JUN

Cruise opportunity in Italy – application deadline 12 July 2022

Eurofleets+ Floating University is offering early stage researchers a possibility to attend a course on board Italian research vessel in September 2022.

Arctic. Photo: Colourbox
23 MAJ

Open call: ARICE-PONANT Arctic 2023

Access to polar expedition ship in the Arctic Ocean in 2023 and beyond. Call deadline is 15 June 2022.

03 MAJ

Åbent for ansøgninger om at komme med på togt i Nordvestgrønland i 2023

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) har åbnet for ansøgninger om at deltage i et togt til Nordvestgrønland i 2023. Der afholdes webinar 11. maj om mulighederne...

MIK net is deployed at the research vessel Dana. Photo: Line Reeh
19 APR

Eurofleets+ Marine Internship Program offers seagoing placements

The internships are intended primarily for marine oriented students and technicians. Call is open until 31 March 2023.

Magellan workshop
04 APR

MagellanPlus Workshop: Mission-specific platform approaches to assessing natural...

On 7-9 July 2022, MagellanPlus will organize a workshop to explore the range of potential hazards projects that can be supported by the 2050 Science Framework.

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Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Center for Havforskning (DCH)

9 FEBRUAR 2025